The IAC works with clients who have achieved citizenship to become economically self-sufficient and contributing members of the Greater New Bedford workforce. In a first of its kind partnership with Mass Hire Greater New Bedford Career Center, the IAC works with clients to provide job readiness skills such as:
Building computer proficiency, including software training
Creating a resumé
Researching employment opportunities
Applying for jobs
Interviewing skills
Continued language skills to include listening, elocution, grammar, reading, writing
Interpersonal skills in the workplace
Financial literacy
Are you ready to take your skills to the next level?
Are you a business or organization looking to help employees reach the next level?
If you said, “Yes!” then our Workforce Readiness modules are for you. Take a look at our upcoming class sessions or contact us to receive more information.
Sign Up for a Class
Get started on your path. Take a class at the IAC today.
Did you Know?
Did you know that according to the American Immigration Council, first-generation immigrants make up 29.7 percent of STEM workers in Massachusetts? Your support has enabled the IAC to continue providing English, citizenship, and workforce readiness classes free of...
Did you Know?
Did you know that refugees living in the United States make tremendous contributions to our economy as earners, taxpayers, and consumers? Refugees alone paid over $1 billion in taxes, and command a total spending power of $2.7 billion. Your support has helped...
Our Case Managers
Our case managers are multi-lingual, speaking five languages, and multicultural, able to fully understand the subtleties of culturally-based dreams and fears.
Help Us Make a Difference
Help a young person get the resources they need for a bright future.